Catalog Code:
English Title:
Kwun Tong Kwun Tong Road Near APM
地區 District:
九龍 Kowloon
錄音日期 Recording Date:
錄音時間 Recording Time:
下午 5:35:00
22.312819, 114.224656
主題 Themes:
街道 Street
錄音器材 Recording Device:
Zoom H5 w/ Clippy EM272
錄音方法 Recording Method:
三腳架 Tripod
取樣率/比特率 Sampling Rate/Bit Depth:
錄音長度 Recording Length:
處理 Processing:
Gain/Trim, EQ, Spectral Repair
KL0009 觀塘觀塘道近APM Kwun Tong Kwun Tong Road Near APM
SKU KL0009 Category Field Recording Tags Bus, Heavy Vehicle, Outdoor TV, Trolley, 交通, 大型車輛, 巴士, 戶外電視, 手推車
觀塘道連接觀塘與牛池灣兩地,是九龍東的主要幹道,每日繁忙時間都有大量巴士和汽車造成擠塞。錄音位置於APM 旁,能夠聽到馬路上大型車輛駛過、架空路軌上鐵路、附近戶外電視和行人混雜的煩躁聲景。
Kwun Tong Road connects Kwun Tong and Ngau Chi Wan and is the main artery of Kowloon East, with a large number of buses and cars causing congestion during the daily rush hours. The recording location is next to the APM, where you can hear the annoying soundscape of large vehicles passing by on the road, railroads on the overhead tracks, outdoor TVs nearby and pedestrians.
錄音日期 Recording Date: 2022/6/3
下載格式 Download Format: WAV 96kHz/24bit
隨機聲音 Random Sounds
IL0005 香港國際機場1號客運大樓C行(2024) Hong Kong International Airport Terminal 1 Aisle C (2024)
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