WAVINCITY 是一個始於香港的城市聲音記錄計劃,成立於2021年。


身處城市當中,人與人之間的互動製造成合奏的樂器,聲音以各式各樣形態出現。WAVINCITY 以現場錄音捕捉和記錄聲音和歷史,旨在攝影和錄像的媒介以外,提供另一種紀錄方式,讓聽眾透過耳朵感受當刻時地人互相交疊所製造的聲景,保存我們關心、愛護、尚在的事物。



WAVINCITY is an urban soundscape recording project based in Hong Kong
Since 2021

Hong Kong, where modern urban life and traditional culture are inextricably linked, has an unique blend of city and heritage landscape. The sounds that surround us in our daily lives are often overlooked and taken for granted. However, once these sounds cease to exist, we realize that a part of our life has vanished.

Being in the city, the interaction between human creates a gigantic musical ensemble, and sounds appear in different shape and form. WAVINCITY aims to preserve these sounds and their associated histories through the art of Field Recording, which offers another medium of expression beyond photography and video. This project serves as a platform for listeners to experience the soundscape created by the overlapping of time and place, preserving the things we care for and love.

The sound materials in the project are open to artistic use, providing a valuable resource for exploring the creative potential of soundscape.