Catalog Code:
English Title:
Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance (Mid-Autumn Festival)
地區 District:
香港島 Hong Kong Island
錄音日期 Recording Date:
錄音時間 Recording Time:
下午 9:50:00
22.279206, 114.192292
主題 Themes:
特色 Characteristical, 傳統 Traditional
錄音器材 Recording Device:
Zoom H3-VR
錄音方法 Recording Method:
手持 Handheld
取樣率/比特率 Sampling Rate/Bit Depth:
錄音長度 Recording Length:
處理 Processing:
Gain/Trim, EQ, Ambisonics to Stereo
HK0016 大坑舞火龍(中秋節) Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance (Mid-Autumn Festival)
大坑舞火龍是大坑的一項傳統習俗,最早出現於 19 世紀末,當時居民以插滿線香的火龍驅趕疫症。於 2017 年,這一文化活動被列入香港非物質文化遺產代表作名錄。錄音是在2024年中秋節正日於大坑書館街和浣紗街交界錄製,可以聽到源源不絕的鑼鼓聲,伴隨著主持人介紹舞火龍的熱情解說,現場觀眾的歡呼聲此起彼伏,營造出一種慶祝的熱鬧氛圍。
The Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance is a traditional custom in Tai Hang that first appeared in the late 19th century. At that time, residents used fire dragons filled with incense to ward off epidemics. In 2017, this cultural event was included in the Representative List of Hong Kong’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. The recording was recorded at the junction of Tai Hang School Street and Wun Sha Street on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2024. You can hear the endless sound of gongs and drums. Along with the announcer’s enthusiastic explanation of the fire dragon dance, the audience cheered one after another, creating a Create a lively atmosphere of celebration.
錄音日期 Recording Date: 2024/9/17
下載格式 Download Format: WAV 96kHz/24bit
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