Catalog Code:
English Title:
Tin Shui Wai Tin Wing Station Construction Site
地區 District:
新界 New Territories
錄音日期 Recording Date:
錄音時間 Recording Time:
下午 3:45:00
22.459020, 114.002223
主題 Themes:
街道 Street
錄音器材 Recording Device:
Tascam Portacapture X8 w/ Clippy EM272
錄音方法 Recording Method:
三腳架 Tripod
取樣率/比特率 Sampling Rate/Bit Depth:
錄音長度 Recording Length:
處理 Processing:
Gain/Trim, EQ
NT0020 天水圍天榮站上蓋地盤 Tin Shui Wai Tin Wing Station Construction Site
天榮站是輕鐵的一個車站,啟用時命名為天水圍總站,原1-5號月台上蓋現正興建YOHO WEST 物業。這個區域本身已經被密集的住宅大廈所包圍,然而仍然繼續興建新的建築物,密不透風。錄音位置於附近行人天橋面對地盤,有趣的是地盤外部使用了大量的隔音屏障,但施工聲音仍然可以聽得到,顯示出一種諷刺的情境。
Tin Wing Station, formerly known as Tin Shui Wai Terminus, is a light rail station where construction is currently underway for the YOHO WEST development on Platforms 1-5. This area is already surrounded by dense residential buildings, yet the construction of new structures continues unabated. The recording location is on a nearby footbridge, facing the construction site. Interestingly, despite the extensive use of soundproof barriers outside the site, the construction noise remains audible, creating an ironic situation.
錄音日期 Recording Date: 2023/10/11
下載格式 Download Format: WAV 96kHz/24bit
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