Catalog Code:
English Title:
To Kwa Wan Hoi Sham Park
地區 District:
九龍 Kowloon
錄音日期 Recording Date:
錄音時間 Recording Time:
下午 4:20:00
22.315114, 114.191830
主題 Themes:
公園 Park
錄音器材 Recording Device:
Tascam Portacapture X8 w/ Clippy EM272
錄音方法 Recording Method:
三腳架 Tripod
取樣率/比特率 Sampling Rate/Bit Depth:
錄音長度 Recording Length:
處理 Processing:
Gain/Trim, EQ, Spectral Repair
KL0025 土瓜灣海心公園 To Kwa Wan Hoi Sham Park
Hoi Sham Park was originally a small island in the sea—Hoi Sham Island—where there used to be a Hoi Sham Temple. It was previously referred to as “To Kwa Wan Island,” and the name To Kwa Wan derives from this. The recording was made on a Sunday, capturing the presence of many domestic workers in the park, with their conversations clearly audible all around. Nearby, some elderly men were playing chess, and their shouts and foul language could be heard. Additionally, numerous pedestrians passed by, and their conversations and footsteps intertwined, creating the sounds of daily activities in the park.
錄音日期 Recording Date: 2024/6/2
下載格式 Download Format: WAV 96kHz/24bit
隨機聲音 Random Sounds
KL0022 土瓜灣土瓜灣街市外(東九龍走廊底) To Kwa Wan Outside To Kwa Wan Market (Under East Kowloon Corridor)
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