Catalog Code:
English Title:
Sham Shui Po Apliu Street Kweilin Street Junction
地區 District:
九龍 Kowloon
錄音日期 Recording Date:
錄音時間 Recording Time:
下午 7:15:00
22.330586, 114.161368
主題 Themes:
街道 Street
錄音器材 Recording Device:
Tascam Portacapture X8
錄音方法 Recording Method:
三腳架 Tripod
取樣率/比特率 Sampling Rate/Bit Depth:
錄音長度 Recording Length:
處理 Processing:
Gain/Trim, EQ, Spectral Repair
KL0010 深水埗鴨寮街桂林街交界 Sham Shui Po Apliu Street Kweilin Street Junction
鴨寮街俗稱鴨記,以專門售賣電子零件和電子產品而聞名。桂林街其道路名稱取自廣西桂林市,店舖亦是主要售賣電器及電腦產品,近年起於農曆新年期間,桂林街從年三十晚開始會有大量地攤及熟食檔出現。錄音位置於深水埗地鐵站C2 出口外,聲音內容主要是來自兩邊各自推銷電視盒的攤檔,一左一右形成爭奪生意的狀態,其推銷用語非常地道。
Apliu Street is famous for specializing in electronic parts and electronic products. The road name of Kweilin Street is taken from Guilin City, Guangxi, and the shops mainly sell electrical appliances and computer products. In recent years, during the Lunar New Year period, there will be a large number of street stalls and cooked food stalls on Kweilin Street. The recording location is outside Exit C2 of Sham Shui Po MTR Station. The audio content is mainly from the stalls selling and promoting TV boxes on both sides, and the sales language is very authentic.
錄音日期 Recording Date: 2022/7/28
下載格式 Download Format: WAV 96kHz/24bit
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